Local links to hope
Urgent need is met in days
This Christmas, a local group of Christians has acted quickly to rescue two families found to be in dire poverty when shoebox gifts were being delivered.
On Christmas Eve, news was received from charity Link to Hope of two families found when Christmas shoeboxes were being delivered. They were very poor gypsy families in Garcini, Romania (the poor of poorest). They were living in an abandoned building next to the trash settlement; tragically a four-month-old baby had just passed away because of the cold. The local pastor delivering the shoeboxes gave some immediate aid and support to the families, but the real need was to buy two container homes, fully equipped, where they could live. They have very cold winters and heated insulated containers were identified as the best practical solution to their hardship.

The need was discussed among the Hesed Christian Fellowship who decided that any money collected at the January meeting of Pembrokeshire Prayer for the Suffering Church (PPSC) would go to meet this appeal, but given the urgency of the need, the fellowship decided to underwrite the cost for one such container (£2,500) and a cheque for this amount was posted on Boxing Day.
On New Year’s Eve, news came in that over £5,000 had been raised to buy two containers for the two families.
The local pastor has moved the family out from their desperate accommodation. They have all been taken for showers and taken to eat in a restaurant for the first time ever. The children have also seen their first Christmas tree. They are now staying at a colleague of the pastor while a temporary apartment is found for them. The children were very excited to be able to watch cartoons from a safe, warm bed.
Discussions have started about land to put the containers on and to get them fitted out as soon as possible so the families can move into them.
Link to Hope thanked everyone who donated, sent encouraging messages and prayed for the families.