Urgent Prayer Request from Open Doors
Urgent Prayer Request from Open Doors
Danger for Indian Christians on Saturday 1st March
URGENT PRAYER: Mob violence against Christians in India threatened this Saturday
Two recent speeches by radical Hindu extremists have called for violence this Saturday (1 March) against ‘cow slaughterers’ – a phrase that has been recently linked to Christians.
The speeches took place during a Hindu pilgrimage that began in January, and videos of the speeches have gone viral. In the first speech, Aadesh Soni said, “People who kill cows need to be punished severely; we should break their limbs and do whatever is necessary.” Mobs are now being coordinated for this Saturday, and our Indian church family are urgently requesting prayer.
Let’s pray that our church family in India will put their trust in the Lord, and that He will deliver them from the hands of their enemies (Psalm 31:13-15).
Please pray
• For protection for all Christians in the regions where attacks have been planned
• That the mobs will not materialise and that the attacks won’t go ahead
• That the Indian Government at all levels will act with urgency, wisdom and compassion to prevent these attacks.
For more detail go to the link below.